Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Bienvenidos a Costa Rica!

Hoy vamos a nuestro luna de miel!

I don't know if I said that right, but the sentiment is that today we started our honeymoon! We have arrived in CR, after reminding myself that Ben and I know enough Spanish to survive and the sickness passed, we dove right in. Got directions from the aeropuerta to the autobus station and successfully made it onto a local bus heading to downtown san jose. I practiced some spanish with a guy right behind us who turned out to be an ex tour guide with superb english! He helped us get off at the right stop and walked us to a hotel de mochileros: a backpacking hostel!

"You guys look like you need a hostel!" Mare greeted us at the gated door.

We declined the free honeymoon shot and, all private rooms full, opted for the quieter of two dorm rooms for an extra $1/person. $10 each for a bunk bed and shared bathroom... do you know what 10 gets you in Cambodia?

I, believe it or not, am not a card-holding member of the hostel club. Nope. Of all the 3rd-world, cheap traveling I've done I've NEVER stayed in a hostel.

It seems like a cool place though!

Other pictures: We spent our first official day of honeymoon driving through Florida (Ben plays the harmonica along with "Love me Do" with palm trees in the background) and ending up at the southernmost point of Key West.(I'magine Forest Gump saying, 'I just felt like driving.')
Key lime pie and Jean from the visitor's center to prove it!

Brett, I love you for your sweet and slightly neurotic concern for our safetly. For you and anyone else interested in knowing, yes, we BOTH still have our heads!


  1. Thank you for the update on your travels and knowing you are safe is comforting.

  2. I knew you both would be safe....if Ben can have his wallet stolen the first day in China, survive and not even tell his parents until he returned home (he didn't want to worry us!).... I knew then he was very resourceful and a survivor. Have a great time!!

  3. Oh good. Of all the things you could lose in Costa Rica, your heads are among my top concern.

    Have FUN! Enjoy! Bring back lots of good stories!

  4. You think I'm crazy, but you'll thank me one day. (Mom already did.) Glad you're having fun, and it's great to see the pictures that prove it! And of all the things written in your post, I must admit that the KEY LIME PIE is what I'm most jealous of so right now. Mmmmm.


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