Friday, August 19, 2011

The Latest Baby News

We have been busy planning for baby lately!

23 weeks:

the size of a saghetti squash!
12 inches long, 1.24 lbs.

First, some sad news.  I have two close friends who each had to emergency deliver their babies: one at 24 weeks, the other at 26 weeks.  One baby didn't survived and one stayed in the ICU for four months.  I haven't been able to stop thinking about those friends and their experiences, and, as a new mom, it really worries me! So I've been really eager for the time that I would feel our daughter moving so I would be able to feel daily that she was growing and healthy.  

I'm 23 weeks and haven't felt the baby move yet. I found out this week that because of the position of the baby inside my body I may not feel her much at all-- even when she gets bigger and close to delivery! That is a major disappointment for me (and Ben... we aren't sure if her movements will ever be strong enough for him to feel, either).  

I'm concerned about knowing daily that she is ok, so I bought a fetal doppler so we can hear her heartbeat any time we want!

This is the Sonoline B.  It was pretty inexpensive, and has great reviews.  I am so excited! her heartbeat is always really strong at my midwife appointments, so I love that we can hear it any time now!

Now for the fun stuff... s.h.o.p.p.i.n.g!

In other ways of preparation, we have been doing tons of research on necessary baby items.  I read all the reviews of items I can get my hands on, and we've asked a lot of mothers we know for their baby must-have recommendations.  We're compiling all our ideas into an Amazon Baby Registry!

Check out our list, and please let us know if there is something we've left off! (We are new parents, after all.)

our r.e.a.d.i.n.g. list

We've also started our parenting research! I thought it was so thoughtful when Ben ordered these books online:

This book challenges a lot of "instictual" parenting techniques.  Ben heard some of it included in an economics book, and his sister recommended we read the entire book.  It really is incredible! We highly recommend it to anyone with children of any age.

This book tells Ben what is going on with me, the baby, him, and what he could/ should be doing week-by-week.  It said that, at this stage of the pregnancy, the baby is moving regularly and responds to her environment.  The author said he would poke his wife's belly once and say "One", then twice and say "Two".  He said the baby would poke back the same number of times, so while we were both reading on the couch Ben decided to turn to me and start poking and yelling at my belly! It didn't work, and I wish he'd warned me, but I love his enthusiasm! 

We are so so so so excited for this little girl, and just pray constantly for her health! We can't wait to meet her!


  1. That totally stinks that you can't feel the baby! The heart monitor is very cool though. Now I want one but I'm afraid I would want to use it 24/7. Its such a neat feeling though, hearing that little heart beating away in there. Sort of addictive. :) I'm feeling guilty now that I haven't even started my registry. The only thing I have looked at is a crib! And I think I'm going ot order Cory that book! I wish I had from the beginning because it is so hard to explain things like how I'm feeling, ect. Anyway, now that I have commented on everything about this post, I'm glad you are all doing well! Try not to worry too much, even though I know it is totally hard not to!
    ps- For some reason it will not let me post this from my account so anonymous=Emily & Cory.

  2. love the orange spagetti squash and your orange skirt!! That baby O'Brien is the size of a squash...that's great!!


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